Minority of kamptee

अल्पसंख्यक विकास
शहर के अल्पसंख्यक समाज को उचित मार्गदर्शन द्वारा रोजगार व सव्यं
रोजगार हेतु प्रेरित तथा प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है. “मौलाना आज़ाद अल्पसंख्यक आर्थिक विकास महामंडल” की सभी योजनाओं का उचित मार्गदर्शन देकर इस वर्ग का आर्थिक तथा सामाजिक विकास किया जारहा है. अल्पसंख्यक का गट बनाकर तकनिकी शिक्षा बिलकुल मुफ्त दी जा रही है. चार से छे हजार तक राशी भी प्रदान की जाती है. साथ ही साथ आसानी से लोन मोहैय्या करवाया जाता है.
muslim women of kamptee
* To establish, run and maintain educational society, hostel and to work for physical fitness, sound health and sport development for General Public and Minority.
* To do all the activiter permitted by exiting law applicable to Charitable institution for minority.
* Undertake community development project in the rural and urban areas for minority.
* Community based Shishugruh Balsadan Bal gram Child are center, Creche units for minority, poor and the under Developed.
* Provide Hostel facilites for students of both sexes preferably belonging to minority coming from slum, rural and tribal areas.

The Majority-Minority relation between populations is an interesting and important factor in the development and nation-building discourse. It assumes different contours at different times in any country. At present, India is witnessing a transition. The Indian political plane is so volatile that it may overcrowd, eliminate, submerge, or transform the kind of identity assertions that we have been witnessing for the past half a century or so.

Our aim intends to capture this transitional process through exploring the linguistic majority- minority relations using statistical, economic, social, political and other dimensions including Constitutional, legal, geographical (nation : region), social / religious, ethnic(tribal : non-tribal), etc.

Interdependency of these factors is highlighted. Our aim is to find out the rational behind certain binary classifications such as national : regional, social : religious, etc., and unravel the intention of the nation-builders, and the kinds of safeguards provided to the minorities, even as we identify the use or misuse of such provisions by the 'minorities', and ultimately to assess whether this classification or categorization is healthy, and whether this classification has helped the languages and people groups in any significant way.

Our aim to discovers, analyzes, and describes the relation between the linguistic majority- minority populations, and demonstrates, among other things, that the linguistic relation continually evolves and, in reality, is relative to the socio-political and economic conditions. In addition, the recent processes of globalization, more clearly exemplified in the rise of gigantic multi-national Indian corporations, urbanization, focus on English education, zest for jobs abroad, and the growth of a vast middle class spanning across ethnic and linguistic boundaries are also discussed. These additional processes blunt the focus on the majority-minority relations.

We are also raiss the question, as already suggested, whether we can take the categorization of majority- minority as a stable situation, or whether there are other linguistic or religious processes, which could suddenly occupy the center-stage, and change the direction of our discourse.


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