Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4 t

Social Welfare

* Render humanitarian services in the time of natural calamity and distress like earthquake, flood, famine etc. To the needy persons irrespective of cast, colour, creed, religion of language.
* Community based Shishugruh Balsadan Bal gram Child are center,
* To Establish And run educational training institues, schools, Hostel, and centers for physically handicapped, mentally retarded, Deaf, dumb and Blinds.
* Do all efforts for development of children from various fields, also development of physically handicapped persons.
* To undertake the schemes for the welfare of the public at the large for the socioeconomic development of the people from slum, rural and tribal area, thereby to achieve the goal of development and betterment of women, child physically handicapped etc. For this purpose to under take the schemes particularly introduced by the social welfare Department, women and child Development Department of state and central Government and Tribal Development Department.