What are the Schemes available ?
Organization carry out it's activities from the funds donated by the donors. We have various donation schemes from which the donors can opt.
1.Member can donate as and when they prefer to do.
2.Member can donate every month at least of Rs.100/-.
3.Member can donate on periodic basis like Quarterly, Half yearly and Yearly.
4.Member can also opt for a Lifetime Donation.
5.Member can pay for specific project(work).
1: Money or Cheque Directly you can deposit in VMMRDES Account.
Bank Name : Shikshak Sahkari Bank
Branch : Kamptee, Nagpur, India.
A/C No : 1239
A/C Name : Vidharbha Minority Multipurpose Rural Development Educational Society
Step 2: After deposit, Please send the following information to vmmrdes@gmail.com
Step 1: Cheque or Draft should be in favour of Vidharbha Minority Multipurpose Rural Development Education Society, Payable at Shikshak Sahkari Bank, Kamptee.
Step 2: Cheque or Draft should be posted to following VMMRDES Office Address
VMMRDE Society,
H.No.37 Behind Musjid,
Dr. Sheikh Bunkar Colony.
Kamptee: 441002, (Dist. Nagpur) MH, INDIA.
Step 3: After posted, Please send the following information to vmmrdes@gmail.com
Of the three units of the VMMRDE Society.,Green Star Public School, Institute For Technical Studies and Educational Outreach none receives a grant from the State or Central Government.
The I.T.S is the only unit charging fees. However, fees are relatively modest-- a maximum of Rs. 4500 (US$100) per year, all inclusive. (For details of fee structure and concessions for poor students, see link I.T.S) As income from fees does not quite cover the salaries of teachers and staff, leave alone other expenses, the difference between income and expenditure has to be made up from VMMRDES funds or contributions from individuals or funding agencies.
G.S.P School and Educational Outreach are completely dependent on grants from funding agencies and individual donations. In periods when no outside support is available , funds are provided by the VMMRDES.